Har lov nu, sånt här kan man göra när man är ledig:
go on drive in cinema. lots of sleepovers. early morning runs. draw. eat a watermelon with a spoon. grow a garden. go fishing and eat your catch. learn to bartend. rollerblade. go windsurfing. enjoy lakeside fireworks. write a bottlemessage. be a badass. go biking. photoshoot with friends. get a tattoo. pool hopping. run trough a sprinkler. paint your fingers. say yes to everything for a day. underwaterkiss.

smile at strangers. go hiking. cover your street in chalkdrawings. nicholas sparks marathon. PARTY. reget nothing. carve yours and your crushes initials in a tree. wtach a sunrise. give free hugs. spend a day being a kid. do somethin random and illegal. spend a day on a sailboat. put a secret in a balloon and let it fly away. go out to the countryside for a weekend. sleep under the stars. scavenger hunt around your town. have water balloon fights. lie down in the grass with your ipod and watch the clouds. become friend with a strager. get a pen pal. listen to "thunder" by boys like girls.

make homemade lemonade. do something random in the middle of the night. have a picnic. find the perfect theme song for your summer. build a giant sandcastle. go to the mcdonalds drive in with your bike. camp at the beach. go to a carnival. write. do something dangerous. hide and seek in ikea. fly a kite. make friendship bracelets. sing campfire songs. canoeing. party on a cruise ship. dress up for no reason. experience nights you'll never remeber. be part of a flash mob. write down 5 things that you are grateful for every day for a year. learn how to blow glass. jump in a pool fully clothed. see all time low live. collect all pokemon cards.

paint something on canvas. own a husky. say "you had me at hello". learn how to waterfall bride. invent a board game. tell someone the story of your life. adopt a hedgehog. experience night youll never forget. explore some place new. drink starbuckscoffe. dancing in the rain. skinny dipping. crowd surf. go on a roadtrip. see a pack of wolves. have a paintfight. have a summerromance. sit on the hood of a car and watch the stars. read books.

jump into a haystack. walk along the beach. do something you don't dare to do. camp on an island. ignore the pc, enjoy the weather. skating. do short scilent plays in front of a security camera. set a movie on mute and improvise dialouge. go to a restaurant and convince the cook to do something completly new for you. get in a taxi and yell "follow that car!". learn how to DJ. say hi to everyone you see. make a list like this. try out new cafés. go on holiday without luggage. join a political party. watch the sun rise. go on free festivals and events. carry a notebook everywhere. be otherworldy. paint your nails in many colors and patterns. get a piercing.

make homemade lemonade. do something random in the middle of the night. have a picnic. find the perfect theme song for your summer. build a giant sandcastle. go to the mcdonalds drive in with your bike. camp at the beach. go to a carnival. write. do something dangerous. hide and seek in ikea. fly a kite. make friendship bracelets. sing campfire songs. canoeing. party on a cruise ship. dress up for no reason. experience nights you'll never remeber. be part of a flash mob. write down 5 things that you are grateful for every day for a year. learn how to blow glass. jump in a pool fully clothed. see all time low live. collect all pokemon cards.

paint something on canvas. own a husky. say "you had me at hello". learn how to waterfall bride. invent a board game. tell someone the story of your life. adopt a hedgehog. experience night youll never forget. explore some place new. drink starbuckscoffe. dancing in the rain. skinny dipping. crowd surf. go on a roadtrip. see a pack of wolves. have a paintfight. have a summerromance. sit on the hood of a car and watch the stars. read books.

jump into a haystack. walk along the beach. do something you don't dare to do. camp on an island. ignore the pc, enjoy the weather. skating. do short scilent plays in front of a security camera. set a movie on mute and improvise dialouge. go to a restaurant and convince the cook to do something completly new for you. get in a taxi and yell "follow that car!". learn how to DJ. say hi to everyone you see. make a list like this. try out new cafés. go on holiday without luggage. join a political party. watch the sun rise. go on free festivals and events. carry a notebook everywhere. be otherworldy. paint your nails in many colors and patterns. get a piercing.

catch snowflakes with your tounge. create a collage. go to an art exhibit of an artist you never heard of. write poetry on post-it notes and leave the on rnadom places. wear a moustache. join a protest. sit in a field of flowers. sleep on the beach. play lacrosse. eat fresh fruit. throw a dart on a map and travel to wherever it lands. build a snowfort. send a present to a soldier. make a rainbowcake. write a biography. make a new recipe. take a class. ride a horse without a saddle. get certified as a lifeguard. try fenching. host a cooking party. visit a museum. go snorkeling. visit a walk-trough aquarium. go to new orleans and write on the "before i die wall".

learn how to play cricket. let go of 100 ballons at one time. ride a jetski. solve a rubiks cube. dig a snowtunnel. iceskate. have a tomatofight. backpack trough europe. eat food from as many countries as possible. learn how to play baseball. take a random bus to a random place. spend the night in an igloo. call from phonebox. cliff jump. buy a homeless person a full meal. swim in a fountain. bungee jump. try dog sledding. volunteering in africa. jump off a waterfall. ba a member of the audience in a tvshow. take a bike trip trough a country. play waterpolo. cover your walls with lyrics & pictures. buy a "to write love on her arms" shirt. learn how to do grafitti. plant a tree. drink beer at octoberfest. go to a haunted house with your friends. take a flight on a 747. go for starspotting.

learn to juggle with three balls. spend christmas on the beach drinking piña coladas. give a speech in public. go water skiing. perform as a street musician. milk a cow. become a vegetarian. attend a japanese tea cermony. make car, ship or airplanemodels. write a play. watch "the bucket list". ride a segway. go to a greek wedding. make sushi. get backstage at a concert. attend a murder mystery dinner. throw someone a surprise party. say " i think this is a beginning of a beautiful friendship". pretend to be a hipster. tell horrorstories. make a mixtape with one song for each of your best friends. buy totebags. learn origami. catch ladybugs.
