So far away from where you are, these miles have torn us world's apart

Okej Michaela och Barbora är aningen crazy (as you can see, haha), men dom är ändå så sjukt bra! ♥

Saknar allt! ♥
Är så sugen på att blogga så det ramlar in nya inlägg här hela tiden. Förlåt för det, men ja.
ooo! really nice! although i dont understand a word in swedish ( and i am too lazy to use google translator :D), it is great! i still remember taking last photo: putting camera on Maria and those candles and your hair and scary stories and the view... great time! ♥♥ we miss you here, it sucks these days in Prešov.
yeah!! amazing pictures!! i used google translator, mzet :D:D
that photo in Sibir ♥ and that on Kalvaria too :D:D and Maria/Jesus!! the best memories!! :)
i agree with mzet i miss you!! i hope ill see you soon :)